Registration Form ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Register To : _________________________ (to display on title bar) Company : _______________________________________________________ Address : _______________________________________________________ City, State & Country : _________________________________________ Phone # : ________________________________ ZIP : _____________ Email : _________________________ (important for Email delivery!) License Type*/Quantities Home usage, one computer : _____ x 20 CAN$ (15 US$) Commercial, one computer : _____ x 65 CAN$ (49 US$) Commercial, domain/sub-net license : _____ x 130 CAN$ (99 US$) Delivery [ ] Email delivery FREE! [ ] Mail delivery add 2 CAN$ (2 US$) For a total of ________ How/where have you heard of File Name Juggler? _________________________________________________________________ What kind of job are you using File Name Juggler for? _________________________________________________________________ Any comments/suggestions for future releases? _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ Please draw your cheque or money-order in Canadian dollars. If your financial institute doesn’t allow for Canadian dollars, then opt for US dollars instead (prices listed in parenthesis). * The Home/Commercial/One computer licenses allow exclusively to use File Name Juggler on files of the computer it has been installed to. The Commercial/Domain/Sub-net license allows exclusively to use File Name Juggler on files of all computers of one single domain/sub-net.